Your Story

Recognition of Veteran Homelessness Systems Navigation
"It is not often that you're recognized for the service that you did. After all the trauma I went through in the army, it's nice to know there are (groups) that are there to help members that are having a tough life". Shawn, St. Thomas-Elgin Veteran

We are very proud of the hard work being done across the County to address homelessness.  We invite you to read the attached case study notably on pages 8-9 where our Tanya Dale, Homelessness Systems Navigator, describes how she supported a veteran experiencing homelessness. 

St. Thomas-Elgin has built an operating system that can ensure veteran homelessness is rare, brief, and non-recurring through community partnerships with the YWCA St. Thomas-Elgin, Canadian Mental Health Association, Thames Valley Addictions and Mental Health Services, West Elgin Community Health Centre, the Inn and local veteran organizations including the Royal Canadian Legion and Veterans Affairs Canada.  These relationships are critical to helping more veterans into housing faster.


Reaching Functional Zero Veteran Homelessness